Jan 25, 2017: All new Crazy Cats! You CAN still get this look!

Many of you have been lamenting the loss of the Crazy Cats pattern, since both Buggy Barn books, "That Crazy Thing We Do" and "Undeniably Crazy" are no longer in print (although you may still be able to find them out there!). I've been referring you all to my new "
Crazy Favorite Things" book for brand new cat and flower blocks, but many didn't think you could get the same look....
I must admit, I figured that instead of Chicks in the Garden, you'd make Cats in the Garden! I really like the new flower since it has pieced stems and leaves. But it's human nature to want what we can't have, so I've been pondering the dilemma, primarily that the new flower doesn't cut down well without cutting off the lower leaf. Then the light bulb went off and I realized we could use the "Summer Blooms" block out of "Crazy at the Cabin"; these blocks work even though the block is significantly bigger than the original flower (by 3").
"New" Cat and Flower Blocks |
So this is what you're going to do to get the old quilt "look" using the new blocks:1. Make 12 cat blocks following the directions in "Crazy Favorite Things" except for the shuffling: For these cat blocks, the cat body, head and tail will all be the same fabric so for all of these pieces (steps 5A and 5C) put the top fabric on the bottom. Follow steps 5B for the stripes and 5D for the background as written.2. If you want to add whiskers to the cats, cut 3" strips of mini ric-rac. Select three pieces, stack and stitch into bundles of 3 whiskers each as show below that you will sandwich at the top corners of the cat nose as you stitch the blocks together.
3. After piecing the blocks, stitch a strip of the leftover portion of your fat quarter to the right side of each block so there is background fabric on the right side of the tail.4. Square the cat blocks to 11-1/2" wide x 13-1/2" high.5. For the flowers, select 6 light and 6 dark (reds and purples) fat quarters and make 12 Summer Bloom blocks following the directions in the "Crazy at the Cabin" book. These blocks are squared to 9-1/2" as indicated in the book. 6. For the eight vertical flowers, stitch a 4-1/2" x 9-1/2" rectangle of the corresponding background fabric to the bottom of each block. For the two horizontal blocks, stitch a 2-1/2" x 9-1/2" rectangle of corresponding background fabric to the bottom of each block. The long horizontal flower (underneath a cat and a flower center left of the quilt) has one 7-1/2" x 9-1/2" rectangle of the corresponding background fabric added to the bottom and a 4-1/2" x 9-1/2" rectangle added to the top. Add wool stems, leaves, and centers. The center templates are found in the book. Here is a scan of the stem and leaf I used:
7. Stitch the blocks together as shown below, stitching the seams in the order as numbered in the diagram. Then ta-da! There you have it; a very good replica of the original Buggy Barn Crazy Cats!!

New One Sister Crazy Cats Old Buggy Barn Crazy Cats, both designed and pieced by me :-)

April 17, 2016: Have you received your copy of the Summer edition of Primitive Quilts and Projects? Inside you will find this fun bag that I designed to carry my iPad or my current appliqué project. The design wraps around to the back of the bag as you can see in this construction photos (shown with the kit), and it has plenty of pockets inside, including slotted pockets so you can just slip a credit card and ID in and you'll be traveling light- and hands free since you can make the strap long enough to go cross-body! I never hang onto a purse anymore if I don't have to! You can purchase a kit for this project, including all of the Japanese fabrics, wool, and magnetic snap closure to make this great bag
here! And if you don't have a subscription for the magazine, you can get your copy
Nov 23, 2015: NOW SHIPPING!! Completely Crazy, Janet Rae Nesbitt's newest book features seven projects, all made using her "Crazy Piecing" technique. Janet has included some of your favorite design elements including dimensional ears on both the pigs and the reindeer and dangly legs on Santa and his reindeer as well as just plaid great crazy piecing with soon to be new favorites such as "Craziness all Around", a star quilt that was designed specifically to make trip around the world quilts, but is also just the right size to be paired with the crooked nine patch in "
Crazy Charms". The "Countdown to Christmas", an advent type calendar is sure to be a favorite, as are "
Bachelor Button" and "
Tumbling Blocks" that is pieced with modern fabrics but has such a nostalgic feeling. You won't want to miss this book! Kits fro most projects will be available for purchase on the site!

May 29, 2015: Now that my new ONE S1STER book, "
Down this Country Road", is out and ready to purchase, I've just added a
kit for the journal cover to the store! The kit includes all the fabric and velvet you need to complete the journal cover and applique, plus the composition book! A perfect take along project for your summer travels! This was a favorite project at spring quilt market! I hope to be adding additional kits and fat quarter packs in the future! I've already got kits made for new quilts for my next book! Be sure to check out the new ruler from Creative Grids that was new and a much talked about item at market, the
Cat's Cradle ruler, which would be helpful making "Lazy Stars". Its not required, just helpful!!

March 2015: New designs are blooming at One Sister! I've been busy working on new fabric designs for Henry Glass and piecing new quilts for a new book set to come out this spring. You will see bits and pieces in the the pictures here on this site to give you a hint of what will be coming, and just like a tiger that can't change it's stripes, I'm still the same old me, so you'll be getting much of what you are use to, especially in the the way of color, because I've always worked with the colors I've loved, even when I was Buggy Barn. But now I have more time to fully develop my pattern designs and I'm really excited about my first book, "Down this Country Road" due out later this spring. I'm just so excited to be designing again! Quilting is more than just a creative expression for me; it provides quiet time to reflect and pray as well as fun time to connect with with so many great friends like you!

ONE S1STER'S first fabric line "Note to Self" will be previewing at Spring Quilt Market this week! Here's a sneak peek! Note to Self“ was created in a folk art style with a deep rich primitive palette. The designs in the collection include clever words of inspiration, whimsical flowers and darling basics. See how well it works for the "Sunflower Fields Forever" quilt on the cover of my new book, "
Down this Country Road"? The words of inspiration from the focal print can be fussy cut and used in the center of the sunflower as you can see in the picture, but the fabric is busy enough that it also cuts up nicely as you can see in the lower left diamond. This is just a small sampling of the line! I'll share more in the days ahead!