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Buggy Barn Books and patterns designed and authored by Janet Rae Nesbitt

Books > Buggy Barn Books and patterns designed and authored by Janet Rae Nesbitt
Buggy Barn books and patterns written and designed by Janet Rae Nesbitt.  Some are out of print, but many great titles are still available!  Don't delay, because once they are gone, they won't be reprinted!

Please note: If there is no price, no way for you to order, that means that it is no longer available and is posted for reference only.  I will no longer answer emails sent through my website asking if one of my books is in print.....I'd be selling it if it were :-) 

Showing 1 - 32 of results

Positively Crazy


Stir Crazy


Celebrated Craziness


That Crazy Thing We Do


Crazy for Applique


Crazy or Not


Starlit Garden


Crazy 'til the Cows Come Home


Still Crazy


Farm Fresh


Folk Art Bloms


Frightfully Crazy


Crazy Fun N Games


Those Crazy Kids


Crazy Snow Days

$12.00 $24.00

Crazy Dog Days


Around the Bend


Perennially Crazy


Certifiably Crazy


Crazy Among Friends


Phebe's Favorites


Gone Crazy


Star Crossing


Buggy Barn Crazies


Crazy About Hearts and Stars


Crazy Rays


Crazy Harvest Moon


Crazy Mexican Hat Dance


Hollyhocks around the Barn


Hospitality Quilt


Log Cabin Crazies (Gone Crazy)


Winter Berries Pattern
